Table of content
- What Is The Return And Refund Policy For ThriftBooks?
- Does ThriftBooks Offer Exchanges?
- How Long Does It Take To Get Refund From ThriftBooks?
- How Can You Return An Item To ThriftBooks?
- Can I Return A ThriftBooks Item Without A Receipt?
- Can You Return Used Items To ThriftBooks?
- Can You Return A ThriftBooks Item Without The Original Box Or Package?
- Can I Return A Gift To ThriftBooks?
- How To Contact ThriftBooks?
- Conclusion
Returning items can be a hassle, but ThriftBooks aims to make the process as simple and stress-free as possible. Their clear guidelines and helpful customer support team ensure that both new and regular customers can handle returns with confidence.
What Is The Return And Refund Policy For ThriftBooks?

ThriftBooks stands behind the quality of every item they sell. If you receive a damaged, incorrect, or incomplete item, you can return it for a full refund. The return window is 30 days, and you’ll need your order number and the email address associated with your account to start the return process.
Does ThriftBooks Offer Exchanges?
At the moment, ThriftBooks focuses on refunds rather than exchanges. If you receive an item that isn’t what you ordered, they recommend returning it for a full refund and placing a new order for the correct product.
How Long Does It Take To Get Refund From ThriftBooks?
Once ThriftBooks receives your returned item, they typically process the refund within 48 hours. Once issued, the refund will appear in your account within 2-5 business days, depending on your bank's processing time.
How Can You Return An Item To ThriftBooks?

Returning an item is straightforward with the ThriftBooks Online Returns Center. You’ll be guided through each step, from printing a prepaid return label to tracking your return. Follow these steps:
- Log in to your ThriftBooks account.
- Go to the Online Returns Center and enter your order number and email address.
- Print the prepaid return label provided by ThriftBooks.
- Package the item securely and attach the label.
- Drop off the package at a nearby shipping facility.
Can I Return A ThriftBooks Item Without A Receipt?
As long as you have the order number and the email address associated with the purchase, you can initiate a return through the Online Returns Center without a traditional paper receipt.
Can You Return Used Items To ThriftBooks?
Yes! ThriftBooks accepts returns on both new and used items, provided they meet the return policy requirements. Whether the book was purchased in like-new condition or used, as long as it qualifies, you can return it.
Can You Return A ThriftBooks Item Without The Original Box Or Package?
While original packaging is preferred, ThriftBooks primarily requires the returned item to be in acceptable condition and to meet their return policy criteria. Be sure to follow the instructions in the Online Returns Center for specific packaging requirements.
Can I Return A Gift To ThriftBooks?
If you’ve received a ThriftBooks item as a gift and need to return it, you can do so through their Online Returns Center. Just ensure you have the necessary order number and associated email address.
How To Contact ThriftBooks?

ThriftBooks provides multiple ways to get in touch. If you have questions about your return or need assistance:
- Call: 1-888-979-1408
- Email: [email protected]
Their customer service team is ready to help resolve any issues and guide you through the return process.
Returning items to ThriftBooks is a smooth process. With a straightforward Online Returns Center, a transparent refund timeline, and helpful customer support, you’ll find that resolving issues is quick and easy. Remember, for any questions or concerns, ThriftBooks’ friendly support team is just a phone call or email away.
ReturnPolicy Score
4.0 / 5
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