JR Cigars

JR Cigars Alternatives & Competitors

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JR Cigars Alternatives & Competitors

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JRCigars.com has been a stalwart in the world of premium cigars, catering to aficionados and casual smokers alike. With its roots tracing back to a small storefront in Manhattan in 1971, JR Cigar has grown into one of the largest online retailers of cigars, tobacco products, and accessories. Over the decades, JR has built a reputation for an extensive selection, competitive pricing, and knowledgeable customer service.

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In an industry where tradition meets a leisurely lifestyle, JR Cigar has managed to keep pace with the evolving digital landscape, ensuring that both the seasoned and the new generations of smokers can explore and enjoy the pleasures of a good smoke. Their online presence is strong, complemented by physical stores that reinforce their brand as a destination for cigar lovers.

Despite their success, JR Cigar faces stiff competition from a variety of retailers who also specialize in the sale of cigars and related products. Each competitor brings its own unique blend of services, selection, and expertise to the table. Let's light up and delve into what these competitors offer and how they stack up against jrcigars.com.

JR Cigars Competitors Breakdown

Thompson Cigar

Thompson Cigar is one of the oldest mail-order cigar companies in the United States. Established in 1915, it has a rich history that rivals that of JR Cigar. Thompson's commitment to a wide assortment of cigars, including exclusive brands and private labels, makes it a noteworthy competitor. They also offer cigar club memberships and a range of accessories, appealing to both novice and experienced smokers.

Thompson Cigar's user-friendly website and frequent deals and discounts keep customers returning. Their catalog is quite comprehensive, and their customer service is known to be attentive, adding to their competitive edge.

Cigars International

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4.0 / 5

Cigars International

4.0 / 5

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Read Cigars International’s return policy

Cigars International is a giant in the online cigar retail space, boasting one of the largest inventories available. Their aggressive pricing and daily deals are hard to beat, making them a fierce competitor to JR Cigar. The company offers everything from premium hand-rolled cigars to budget-friendly options, catering to a broad audience.

The user experience on Cigars International is smooth, with plenty of information available for both newcomers and aficionados. Their frequent sales events and 'Cigar of the Month' clubs attract a loyal customer base.

Famous Smoke Shop

Famous Smoke Shop is another key player, with a history dating back to 1939. They have carved out a niche for themselves with a vast selection and competitive prices, much like JR Cigar. Famous Smoke Shop is also known for their exclusive cigar lines and a well-reviewed customer service team.

Their website features an intuitive layout and they often run promotions that include freebies, making shopping with them an enticing experience. They also offer a cigar auction site, allowing customers to bid on cigars at potentially lower prices.

  • Extensive selection of exclusive lines
  • Intuitive website layout
  • Frequent promotions with freebies
  • Can be overwhelming for new smokers due to vast selection
  • Prices may vary widely depending on promotions

Holt's Cigar Company

Holt's Cigar Company is a Philadelphia-based retailer with a legacy dating back to over a century. They're known for their premium selection and for housing some of the most sought-after cigars in the industry. Holt's runs weekly specials and offers a price-match guarantee, which makes them a compelling choice for many buyers.

Their website is elegant and easy to navigate, and they are praised for their exceptional customer service. Holt's also has a strong presence with their brick-and-mortar stores, which enhances their reputation and reliability.

Neptune Cigar

Neptune Cigar is a newer contender with a significant online footprint, offering a vast array of cigars, samplers, and accessories. Their modern website design and customer-centric approach provide a fresh contrast to the more established retailers.

They have competitive prices and a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers, which helps them to stand out in the crowded online market. Neptune Cigar's live chat support and fast shipping are additional perks that appeal to their clientele.


Cigar.com is a direct competitor to JR Cigar, with a broad selection of premium and boutique cigars. They offer a monthly subscription service, comprehensive cigar guides, and a community forum for enthusiasts to share their experiences.

Their website is user-friendly, and their customer service is known for being helpful and responsive. Cigar.com's commitment to customer education and community building is a strong selling point.

Atlantic Cigar Company | Norristown PA

Atlantic Cigar Company prides itself on offering a wide selection of high-quality cigars at competitive prices. They cater to both the budget-conscious and the aficionado with their diverse inventory.

Their website may not be as flashy as some competitors, but their loyal customer base appreciates the straightforward shopping experience and the knowledgeable staff that stands behind their products.

New Global Marketing


Best Cigar Prices, as the name suggests, competes heavily on pricing, often offering deals that challenge even the biggest players. They have a vast selection and provide excellent customer service, including a live chat option for immediate assistance.

Their feature-rich website includes video reviews and a rewards program, adding value for customers and ensuring a competitive edge in the market.

Cigar Auctioneer

CigarAuctioneer.com is an auction site operated by Famous Smoke Shop. It allows customers to bid on cigars, often at prices lower than retail. This unique approach to selling cigars online creates an engaging and potentially cost-saving experience for buyers.

The thrill of the auction and the possibility of scoring a great deal make CigarAuctioneer.com an exciting alternative for shoppers looking beyond traditional retail.



JRWhippany.com is the online presence for JR Cigar's flagship store located in Whippany, NJ. It showcases in-store events, exclusive deals, and provides a glimpse into the physical retail experience that JR offers beyond its online storefront.

Although it's part of the same company, JRWhippany.com serves as a complement to jrcigars.com by highlighting the local aspect and community involvement of the JR brand.

Mike's Cigars | Bay Harbor Islands FL

Mike's Cigars is based in Florida and has been a significant player in the cigar industry since 1950. They offer a large variety of cigars, cigar samplers, and accessories. Their brick-and-mortar presence adds to their credibility and customer loyalty.

Mike's Cigars features a user-friendly website and competitive pricing, which positions them as a strong competitor to JR Cigar.

Gotham Cigars

Gotham Cigars prides itself on offering a curated selection of premium cigars, humidors, and accessories. Their focus on customer service and satisfaction is evident through their easy-to-use website and commitment to fast shipping.

With exclusive deals and a price match guarantee, Gotham Cigars is a competitive online retailer in the cigar industry.

BnB Tobacco | Ashburn VA

BnB Tobacco is an online tobacco shop that offers a wide range of cigars, pipes, and smoking accessories. Their competitive pricing and variety of products make them a contender in the online cigar market.

They frequently offer specials and discounts, which helps them to maintain a loyal customer base and compete with sites like jrcigars.com.


Cigars.com is a direct competitor to JR Cigar, with an extensive selection of cigars from around the world. They offer exclusive brands, daily deals, and a user-friendly website that makes shopping for cigars an enjoyable experience.

Their commitment to customer satisfaction and a wide range of products position them as a key player in the online cigar marketplace.

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